Women’s health

Women’s health

Never has so much been said about women’s health as nowadays, estrogen is certainly one of the most important regulators of women’s health and well-being. The excess production of estrogen during reproductive life facilitates the onset of cancer. Its lack during menopause makes women more prone to osteoporosis, heart disease, and the discomforts of this phase. The good news is that the proof of a natural hormone, present in soy, can balance these extremes.

The other more recent good news is that, after years of research, a food based on the phytoestrogens in soy is available to every woman. The solution was not in pills, but in food. A friend once told me that she would like to enter a “time capsule” and wake up 50 years later. She had lost her mother and an aunt to breast cancer, a distant uncle had also died of prostate cancer.

She was so sure that her fate was equally the same that she preferred to give her life another direction. The “time capsule” she imagined would be the hope, because she believed that in 50 years they would have discovered the cure for cancer. It was difficult to convince her friend that the solution was not in the capsule of the future, but in habits that we could adopt in our lives now.

Women's health

Women’s Health – The Search for a Regulator

Research has already clearly defined the good and bad sides of estrogen, the hormone produced by the female body. On the one hand, the excess estrogen produced by women during their reproductive period is considered to be one of those responsible for the increase in breast cancer. On the other hand, synthetic hormone replacement therapy, or hormone replacement therapy, a key contribution for menopausal women, also has its caveats.

Even if carefully conducted, hormone replacement therapy brings to the physician the concern of using estrogen, especially in women predisposed to breast cancer, especially when there is a family history. In these cases, synthetic hormone replacement therapy can cause side effects such as increased risk of breast cancer and endometrial cancer (the lining inside the cervix).

Without replacing the hormone that it no longer produces, the body becomes hostage to an increased risk of osteoporosis and heart disease, in addition to the discomforts of menopause. Therefore, hormone replacement is necessary, but its side effects need to be avoided. The solution, therefore, lies in the discovery of what specialists call SERMs – the English acronym for “specific estrogen receptor modulators”. A substance that could have estrogen’s protective effect against osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease, without increasing the chances of breast and endometrial cancer

Women’s health – Soy and women

ll known studies from laboratories and with large population groups pointed to soy as the most promising of the plants. Not coincidentally, plant proteins, including those made from soy, had already been a part of specialists’ research for more than 20 years. Various population studies had shown that oriental women suffered far less from the effects of menopause when compared to North American women. The number of breast cancer cases in Oriental women is only one third of that in Western women.

The studies showed that the responsible for this difference was a natural hormone present in soy, called isoflavone, an active component very similar to human estrogen. This phytoestrogen is found in small amounts in hundreds of vegetables, but its highest concentration, besides soy, is found in plants such as the so-called “Chinese Angelica,” the “Mexican yam,” and licorice. Soy, consumed especially by the Orientals, was the plant that best presents itself as a natural hormone.

Women’s health – Amount of soy required by the body

The first challenge was in the amount of soy required for the body to benefit from the minimum portion of isoflavones, the person would have to eat at least 100 grams of soy a day. For us accidentally the amount is intolerable, as well as causing some intestinal problems.

The solution lies in food formulations based on soy, concentrating its nutrients along with the estrogen phytosterols in the recommended amount, so that it could be consumed in the correct dose. Today you can look for foods in the form of powdered milk that contain scientifically determined amounts to replace the 100 grams of soy consumed daily by Japanese, Chinese, and Korean women.

Women from big cities and small towns will be able to have the same health and quality of life as the oriental women who spend their days in the rice fields, where the rate of breast cancer is zero. To evaluate exactly the quantity of isoflavones extracted, a team from the University of Iowa collaborated in the research and discoveries. The studies didn’t stop there.

Women’s health – Prevention is better than cure

Science and medicine are evolving rapidly with therapies and treatments that increasingly reduce mortality from cancer, improving the quality of life. In all cases there is suffering, but the solution defended and desired by all is the adoption of practices that can reduce the appearance of diseases. Food based on isoflavones is a great contribution to make this wish come true.


Women's health


I often say that information is the best medicine, that is why I decided to write this site getalongwithlife.com to help myself and you to have a better quality of health. I got information that there are manufacturers producing isoflavone capsules and studies show that food with all its nutrients such as proteins, minerals, vitamins, fiber, phyto estrogen, will strengthen the body and protect against diseases. As soon as you remove the active ingredient of the food by turning it into capsules or pills, its effect will no longer be the same. The ideal would be to seek these nutrients in foods consumed in a natural way. So leave the time capsule aside, you don’t want to change the past, look forward, and follow your purpose because the best trip is the one that gives you pleasure, and for this you need to be healthy. My suggestion to you is “Take good care of yourself and prevent yourself. 

it was great to be with you so far, for more information and health tips visit our site…thank you.

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