Soft Drinks and Health

Soft Drinks and Health

Hello how are you? today we are going to talk a little bit about Soft Drinks and Health, the high consumption of soft drinks, especially among children and adolescents, has been observed here in the United States and around the world, and this is a cause for much concern, since it becomes a favorite beverage and can cause serious consequences on their health, such as obesity, tooth decay, and deficiency of certain minerals like calcium and iron.

Soft drinks are classified as carbonated soft drinks. They consist largely of soda water mixed with sugar or artificial sweetener, plus various natural or artificial flavorings and colorings. Many contain caffeine, and most of them bring little or no nutritional value to your body.

The habitual ingestion of these drinks leads to a high consumption of useless calories, precisely because they do not add any nutrients to the body. They are called “empty calories”. On average, 1 liter of soft drink provides about 400 calories. So when you consume a can that contains 350ml of the drink, the amount of empty calories ingested will be 140.


Soft Drinks and Health


Soft Drinks and Health- The Experts’ Concern

What worries experts the most is that the consumption of soft drinks has caused healthy drinks such as milk, natural juices, yogurts, which bring essential nutrients numbers to our body, to no longer be present in the daily diet of people.

These nutritious beverages are often replaced by soft drinks in meals such as lunch, dinner, school snacks, birthday parties, and it is present almost every day on our tables. The gas added to these drinks produces a certain gastric distinction, suppressing the appetite and reducing the consumption of foods that are truly good for health.

The World Health Organization of the United States said that according to research, regular consumption of soft drinks is associated with a higher risk of mortality in recent years.


Soft Drinks and Health- The dependency they cause

Many soft drinks may contain caffeine, especially the cola type. Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant, which when ingested in excess can be addictive. The manufacturers claim that this substance is added to their products purely for flavor, but there are certain researchers who believe that this is not the true intention.

The big concern is how much of this substance is actually being used in the soft drink. A 27kg child who drinks a 350ml can of soda containing 50mg of caffeine will be ingesting the same as an 80kg man who consumes 4 cups of coffee. Generally, a very agitated child or one with sleeping problems may be under the effect of the exaggerated consumption of soft drinks. In adults, the excess of caffeine can increase blood pressure and make the heart beat irregular.

Soft Drinks and Health  – See the health implications of excessive consumption of soft drinks

Excessive consumption of soft drinks can lead to overweight and tooth decay, since the sugar stimulates the growth of decay-causing bacteria. However, the biggest concern is the large amounts of phosphorus contained in these drinks. Excess phosphorus disrupts the absorption of calcium and can impair the development of children’s bones and teeth.

The increased phosphate present in carbonated drinks can alter the balance of calcium and phosphorus, which prevents the absorption of vitamins. So the conclusion is that people who want to prevent osteoporosis should not abuse these drinks.

In a study published by Harvard University here in the United States, with 469 students, the researchers observed that excessive consumption of soft drinks increased the chances of suffering fractures among active girls (intense physical activity) and this was aggravated especially when the soft drinks were of the cola type.

The researchers raised two factors, which could be involved in this problem: the phosphate present in the drinks that affects calcium metabolism and bone mass, and also the substitution of milk by soft drinks, which deprived the girls’ bodies of the necessary amount of calcium.

Soft Drinks and Health  – Some important tips for your Family

  • Read soft drink labels carefully to know what they really contain
  • Children who abuse soft drinks before and during meals may lose their appetite for healthy foods.
  • Beverages associated with fruit flavors usually contain only 10% of the fruit juice and high amounts of sweeteners and colorings. Don’t be fooled.
  • Prepare healthy and economical drinks at home by mixing soda water with fruit juice (See recipe below)
  • Soft drinks if consumed in moderation are not harmful, The important thing is not to exaggerate in the amount so as not to take away hunger and replace important nutrients for your diet.
Soft Drinks and Health  – Recipe for Homemade Soda
  • 4 medium carrots
  • 1 cup pure lemon juice
  • 2 cups sugar
  • ½ orange peel
  • 3 liters of sparkling water
  • Mix the ingredients and part of the water in a blender. After that add the rest of the water
    It can be served whole or strained

Soft Drinks and Health


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