Foods for Pregnancy

Foods for Pregnancy

Foods for Pregnancy: We are here to give yo suggestions on how to deal with your pregnant body and offer all that is necessary for this “Little Package” that is inside of you. Tips that can strengthen the baby being born, which is also good for the health of all of us, men and women at any age. Pregnant women experience unique sensations in this period of life. One of the feelings is the perception of feeding another being that is sprouting inside her own body. The pregnant mother imagines that if she is smoking or drinking, the baby in her belly will be smoking or drinking in the same way. This is exactly what it is.

And if you’re eating zucchini, carrots, mashed potatoes, and fish, your baby is eating the same menu. At this stage of the mother-to-be, what matters is to do everything so that your baby is born healthy, eating food for pregnancy. That he doesn’t suffer malnutrition. The pregnant woman is the most dedicated and “fierce” guardian of her baby.
The first concern must be the medical follow-up, where she must be seen at least every two months..

Foods for Pregnancy The future mom’s food

I have studied and researched a lot about the subject to give you the necessary information, and as a researcher my biggest concern is with feeding. The care of the baby in the belly starts well before its birth. It has a lot to do with nutrition, so let’s go back to the beginning when the body prepares itself to “feed” the baby inside you… thinking about it, can you see how perfect God is in His creation?
Pregnancy brings about a dietary modification for the mother-to-be, not only to match her nutritional needs, but also those of the fetus.

The menu for the pregnant woman resembles a normal diet, however, attention should be paid to increasing calories, protein, and iron. Nutritional orientation must be an integral part during pregnancy and lactation, since the requirements of energy, protein, and other nutrients are higher, so that the needs of mom and baby in the first months of life are met.
The great anxiety of many moms is an exaggerated weight gain, especially during the last months of pregnancy. This is an understandable concern, because the feeling is that you will never go back to normal weight. The vast majority of women return to their normal weight.

The great anxiety of many moms is an exaggeration in weight gain, especially during the last months of pregnancy. This is an understandable concern, because the feeling is that you will never get back to your normal weight. The vast majority of women return to the weight they had before pregnancy. Other moms must be willing to go through a period of exercise and diet control.
What may seem difficult must be seen as a stimulus to begin with the arrival of the baby.
Remember that everything that is an effort today will become pleasure tomorrow.

Foods for Pregnancy
Foods for Pregnancy


Foods for Pregnancy – A good diet for pregnant women

A good diet should contain both animal and plant foods. The foods of animal origin (milk, eggs, meat and fish) and those of vegetable origin (cereals, fruits, vegetables or legumes) provide proteins, fats and carbohydrates. These nutrients are very necessary for the provision of energy, for the recovery of losses suffered during the formation of the baby, and for the reconstitution of the pregnant woman’s tissues, which suffer continuous wear and tear.

Get to know the energetic components


The energy value of food is calculated in calories. During pregnancy, it is essential to have the doctor’s guidance so that there is no excessive weight gain or lack of energy. It is natural that weight gain occurs, but it must be monitored by the doctor.


Proteins are the building blocks of the body. They make up the cells, hormones, membranes, respiratory pigments, and plasma. It is necessary to ingest proteins, several times a day, so that the organism can function in a harmonious way.

A pregnant woman who weighs 60 kilos should ingest 120 grams of protein daily. Consider that of these 120 grams, half should be ingested in the form of animal protein and the other in vegetable protein. 

The animal protein sources are (milk, yogurt, cheese, eggs, white and red meat, and fish. The vegetable protein sources are whole grains, legumes, nuts and almonds
The pregnant woman should eat 2 to 3 servings of these sources a day, giving preference to lean meats, skinless chicken, and fish that are grilled or cooked. Avoiding fried foods is always beneficial in any phase of life.


Sugars or carbohydrates should not be eaten in excess or eliminated. It is important to eat whole grain bread, unrefined cereals, brown rice, legumes, peas, and potatoes cooked in their skins. This ensures a supply of vitamin B, protein, and fiber.
It is recommended to consume 4 to 6 servings a day. A portion equivalent to two slices of bread, a full bowl of breakfast cereal, two potatoes, or a generous amount of pasta.

Fats are important for forming hormones and membranes in the body. They are vital for the functioning of the body and for the development of the baby. Therefore, even if fat is responsible for weight gain, it should not be eliminated from the diet.
It is important to give preference to unsaturated fats of vegetable origin, such as vegetable oils in general, olive oil, nuts, and chestnuts, because they are less harmful to the cardiovascular system.
Sausage, salami, sausages, yellow cheese, mayonnaise, sauces in general, lard, and cracklings should always be avoided.


Vitamins are indispensable substances for the organism, making possible and accelerating several chemical reactions. The required quantities are minimum, and their excess is as harmful as their lack.
If people have a balanced diet, they will be consuming all the necessary vitamins. Although pharmacies sell vitamins as if they were cosmetics, without control, without orientation, supplements are not necessary. Vitamin supplements should be consumed only with medical orientation.

Foods for Pregnancy- Go for the Salads

In pregnancy, it is recommended to consume at least 5 servings of vegetables and fruits per day, including at least one green leafy vegetable. A whole piece of a fruit a day including a green leafy vegetable
A whole piece of a fruit, a bowl of fruit salad, a glass of orange juice, a few tablespoons of vegetables, and each of these represents one serving, vegetables and fruits are rich in antioxidants which are vitamins that protect against heart disease and cancer.
It is important to have the habit of consuming the 5 or more servings, even after pregnancy to have better health.

Foods for Pregnancy
Foods for Pregnancy


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